Week #13

Hmm what should I write on this page. Well I was wondering what would happen if the ice caps have completely  melted.  I think that would be very bad and I think the earth would flood with water almost as a Tsunami. The water would rise 70 feet flood every where all over the earth Australia would fludd sens they live near the coast line. Africa would Flood sadly Europe too. Even the driest even the drawers  areas  would be over flooded with water. I don’t think  many would survive because of climate change the ice caps are melting it might happen.

One thought on “Week #13

  1. Greetings from Australia Ryan. Congratulations on your response to this week’s challenge. Recording your thoughts in writing is an interesting author’s technique. Mentioning a tsunami helped your readers visualise the effect of melting ice caps. I suggest you ask a friend to help you edit for punctuation, and spelling, before you publish. I enjoyed reading your text. 🙏😊

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